Love to Frankenstein's monster:

Kotlin for Apache Spark

Pasha Finkelshteyn, JetBrains

Vanity fair

  • 14 years in IT
  • 11 years in development
    • Developer
    • Team Lead and even CTO (O_o)
  • 1 year in data engineering
  • And now building tools for data engineers at JetBrains ❤️

Big Data Tools

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I ❤️

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Story of my love with Kotlin

  • Used it in production several weeks before first release
  • Was first adopter in Sberbank's production
  • Giving talks on it
  • Trying to use it EVERYWHERE
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My story with data engineering

Data engineering is all about Java, Python and Scala.

And of course I've started with Scala — it's native!

But soon I realized that lots of things could be easier with Kotlin!

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Kotlin key benefits

  • JVM
  • null-aware and null-safe type system
  • Extension methods (and values)
  • Reified generics
  • DSL-building abilities
  • Compatible (?) with other JVM ecosystem languages
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Note on null-aware type system

fit drop-shadow

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Note on null-aware type system

class Z
fun main(){
    val nullZ: Z? = null    val z = Z()    println(nullZ is Z)  // false
    println(z is Z)      // true
    println(nullZ is Z?) // true
    println(z is Z?)     // true
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Note on null-aware type system

class Z
fun main(){
    val nullZ: Z? = null    val z = Z()    println(nullZ is Z)  // false    println(z is Z)      // true
    println(nullZ is Z?) // true
    println(z is Z?)     // true
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Note on null-aware type system

class Z
fun main(){
    val nullZ: Z? = null    val z = Z()    println(nullZ is Z)  // false
    println(z is Z)      // true    println(nullZ is Z?) // true    println(z is Z?)     // true}
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Extension methods

fun Iterable<Int>.sum() = reduce { a, b -> a + b }

This ⬆️ already exists in stdlib

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Reified generics

  • Generics on JVM can't be reified. Ever.
  • But there are inline methods in Kotlin. They will be inlined at compile time:
    inline fun runIt(func: () -> Unit) = func()
  • And if method is inlined we can reify generic at call site!
    inline fun <reified T> callIt(func: () -> T): T = func()
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Extension functions in conjunction with functional arguments allow us to following magic:

fun html(init: HTML.() -> Unit): HTML {
    val result = HTML()
    HTML.init() // or return HTML().apply { init () }
    return result
fun HTML.h1(text: String) = addElement("<h1>$text<h1>")
html { h1("Example") }
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And the journey begins

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I mean

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But why Frankenstein's?

And why monster?

  1. It is alike my surname
  2. We need to crossbreed Kotlin and Scala to produce something with best parts of both worlds!
  3. And at the start of experiment we don't have any idea on its behavior!
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First goal

We want to make standart simple operation on DataFrame to work

list((1, "a"), (2, "b"))
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First sketch

val spark = SparkSession.orCreate
listOf("a" to "and", "b" to "beetle")
    .map(MapFunction { it }, Encoders.bean())


Encoder can't (de)serialize

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OK, but

Let's try to create operation at least over primitves!

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Primitive encoders

@JvmField val ENCODERS = mapOf<KClass<out Any>, Encoder<out Any>>(
    Boolean::class to Encoders.BOOLEAN(),
    Byte::class to Encoders.BYTE(),
    Short::class to Encoders.SHORT(),
    Int::class to Encoders.INT(),
    Long::class to Encoders.LONG(),
    Float::class to Encoders.FLOAT(),
    Double::class to Encoders.DOUBLE(),
    String::class to Encoders.STRING(),
    BigDecimal::class to Encoders.DECIMAL(),
    Date::class to Encoders.DATE(),
    Timestamp::class to Encoders.TIMESTAMP(),
    ByteArray::class to Encoders.BINARY()
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Getting real

inline fun <reified T> encoder(): Encoder<T>? = 
    ENCODERS[T::class] as? Encoder<T>? ?: 
    Encoders.bean( //Encoders.kryo( 
  • Will work for correct Java Beans
  • Will work for primitives
  • Won't work for data classes
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Getting real

inline fun <reified T> SparkSession.toDS(list: List<T>): Dataset<T> = 
    createDataset(list, encoder<T>()) 

Gives us ability to perform first piece of magic:

spark.toDS(listOf(1, 2, 3)).show()

And it starts to look like DSL!
And we love Spark to be DSL

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Type inference!

  • Generics are everywhere
  • Generics are being erased at runtime
  • Need to find some hack
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public abstract class TypeReference<T> {
    protected final Type _type;    protected TypeReference() {
        Type superClass = getClass().getGenericSuperclass();        if (superClass instanceof Class<?>) {
            // ↑ sanity check, should never happen
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(/* */);
            // ↑ comment that not enough data
        _type = ((ParameterizedType) superClass).getActualTypeArguments()[0];    }

    public Type getType() { return _type; }
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public abstract class TypeReference<T> {
    protected final Type _type;
    protected TypeReference() {
        Type superClass = getClass().getGenericSuperclass();
        if (superClass instanceof Class<?>) {            // ↑ sanity check, should never happen            throw new IllegalArgumentException();            // ↑ comment that not enough data        }        _type = ((ParameterizedType) superClass).getActualTypeArguments()[0];

    public Type getType() { return _type; }
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Now let's translate it to Kotlin

abstract class TypeRef<T> protected constructor() {
    var type: ParameterizedType
    init {
        val sC =
        require(sC !is Class<*>) { "error" }
        // ↑ should never happen
        this.type = sC as ParameterizedType


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And use it…

fun obtainGenericDataSchema(typeImpl: ParameterizedTypeImpl): DataType {
    val z = typeImpl.rawType.kotlin.declaredMemberProperties
    val y = typeImpl.actualTypeArguments
    return StructType(
                    .map {
                        val dt = if(!it.c.isData) 
                                else null
                        StructField(, dt, it.nullable, Metadata.empty())
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And it won't work

Getting a little scary, right?

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And it won't work

Because Jackson's hack won't work in Kotlin

By the way, it's the beginning of the story of love to the Monster!

Because it's boring when everything works.

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What should I do now? Google!

inline fun <reified T : Any> getKType(): KType = object : SuperTypeTokenHolder<T>() {}.getKTypeImpl()
open class SuperTypeTokenHolder<T>
fun SuperTypeTokenHolder<*>.getKTypeImpl(): KType = javaClass.genericSuperclass.toKType().arguments.single().type!!
fun KClass<*>.toInvariantFlexibleProjection(arguments: List<KTypeProjection> = emptyList()): KTypeProjection {
    val args = if (java.isArray()) listOf(java.componentType.kotlin.toInvariantFlexibleProjection()) else arguments
    return KTypeProjection.invariant(createType(args, nullable = false))
fun Type.toKTypeProjection(): KTypeProjection = when (this) {
    is Class<*> -> this.kotlin.toInvariantFlexibleProjection()
    is ParameterizedType -> {
        val erasure = (rawType as Class<*>).kotlin
        erasure.toInvariantFlexibleProjection(( { (parameter, argument) ->
            val projection = argument.toKTypeProjection()
            projection.takeIf {
                parameter.variance == KVariance.INVARIANT || parameter.variance != projection.variance
            } ?: KTypeProjection.invariant(projection.type!!)
    is WildcardType -> when {
        lowerBounds.isNotEmpty() -> KTypeProjection.contravariant(lowerBounds.single().toKType())
        upperBounds.isNotEmpty() -> KTypeProjection.covariant(upperBounds.single().toKType())
        else -> KTypeProjection.STAR
    is GenericArrayType -> Array<Any>::class.toInvariantFlexibleProjection(listOf(genericComponentType.toKTypeProjection()))
    is TypeVariable<*> -> TODO() // TODO
    else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: $this")

fun Type.toKType(): KType = toKTypeProjection().type!!
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Sponsor of this horror above:

Alexander Udalov (JetBrains, Kotlin)

This is already deprecated

Because typeOf<T>() introduced

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Sidenote about typeOf

  • Works in compile time
  • Still experimental **
  • Much faster then Scala's TypeTagss

** do̳͚n'͓̫̞̝̳t̲̜ ͇u̮̳̲͚̯s̯̬̯e̙͈ ̬i̙̟̹̘̳t̙̻͍ ͇̬̫i̜͖͕n ̪̰̝pr̠͕o̺͉̞͖d͖̺̦͚͔u̟̝̜c͍̺t̬͔̯̝̗̜i̮̣͇͔̻̥o̮̙͉̹͎͍n̰̼: p͕̻̥̪̩̻̱̼o̖͕̖̱͎̬̲̺̝͈̝̟w̜̮̺͉̟̱͎̳̫͙͙̩͙͓̞̖̫ͅe̜̰̘͓̮̯r͖͈̮̦̝͖̱͚ ͔̯̭c͚̱͇̦̯ͅo̰̣͔͚͙͙̜̗r̙̫̰͍̝̤͔̻͙̥̤͎̜̩͕̫͇͖r͉̬̭̬̪̲̙͍͖͕͙̘̣͉u͉̥̟̻̜̖̥̮̜̲̲̻̤̥̭̲̟p̞̲̝̫̫̗̬̺͚͖̤t͍̩̼̮̺̯̬ͅs̺͚̙̙̫̝̠̻̯͙̭

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New inference

fun schema(type: KType, map: Map<String, KType> = mapOf()): DataType {
    val primitiveSchema = knownDataTypes[type.classifier]    if (primitiveSchema != null) 
        return KSimpleTypeWrapper(
            (type.classifier!! as KClass<*>).java, 
    val klass = type.classifier as? KClass<*> ?: 
        throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type $type")
    val args = type.arguments
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New inference

fun schema(type: KType, map: Map<String, KType> = mapOf()): DataType {
    val primitiveSchema = knownDataTypes[type.classifier]
    if (primitiveSchema != null)         return KSimpleTypeWrapper(            primitiveSchema,             (type.classifier!! as KClass<*>).java,             type.isMarkedNullable        )    val klass = type.classifier as? KClass<*> ?: 
        throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type $type")
    val args = type.arguments
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New inference

fun schema(type: KType, map: Map<String, KType> = mapOf()): DataType {
    val primitiveSchema = knownDataTypes[type.classifier]
    if (primitiveSchema != null) 
        return KSimpleTypeWrapper(
            (type.classifier!! as KClass<*>).java, 
    val klass = type.classifier as? KClass<*> ?: 
        throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type $type")
    val args = type.arguments
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New inference

    val types = transitiveMerge(
            .map { to it.second.type!! }

transitiveMerge: remember GenericSignature → RuntimeType

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New inference

val structType = StructType(
        .filter { it.findAnnotation<Transient>() == null }
        .map {
            val projectedType = types[it.type.toString()] ?: it.type
            val propertyDescriptor = 
            PropertyDescriptor(,, "is" +
          , null)
                StructField(, schema(projectedType, types), 
                    projectedType.isMarkedNullable, Metadata.empty()))}
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Dark side of Scala 👻

  • KStructField: wrapper over StructField
  • KSimpleTypeWrapper: wrapper over primitive type
  • KDataTypeWrapper: wrapper over data class

These wrappers hold real classes, nullability etc.

Because Scala can't infer them!

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Dark side of Scala 👻

  1. Add custom handling methods:
     def serializerFor(cls: java.lang.Class[_], dt: DataTypeWithClass) = …
     def deserializerFor(cls: java.lang.Class[_], dt: DataTypeWithClass) = …
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Dark side of Scala 👻

  1. Add custom logics when there is predefined schema:
    case _ if predefinedDt.isDefined =>
        predefinedDt.get match {
          case dataType: KDataTypeWrapper =>
            val cls = dataType.cls
            val properties = getJavaBeanReadableProperties(cls)
            val structFields =… //boring
            val fields = { structField =>
            // recursive here …
        createSerializerForObject(inputObject, fields)
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Dark side of Scala 👻

  • LOTS of debug here
  • Scala is very type safe. Bit codegen is not!
  • So use
    • LogLevel.DEBUG
    • "spark.sql.codegen.comments" true to view data flow
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And it's alive!

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Future plans

Support for:

  • Scala
    • 2.11
    • 2.13
    • 3 (?)
  • Spark
    • 2.3.3
    • 2.4.0+
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Give it a try!


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